Sunday School
Classes Meet in the Locations Listed Below:
HUB Church is a combination of 5 churches who gather together for a community meal and fellowship. After our meal we break into small group discipleship programs that are age appropriate for all groups. We meet every Sunday at 5:00 pm at Trinity United Methodist Church. This ministry is open to everyone!
Our HUB Churches consist of Reynolds Memorial UMC, Trinity UMC, Hunt Memorial UMC, John Wesley UMC, and Beech Grove UMC.
Our small groups are HUB kids, HUB youth, HUB young adults, and HUB adults. Come join us!
The youth program is for all kids in grades 6th through 12th. They meet every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm along with others at HUB Church. There they gather in their own small group to have fun, learn, and grow.