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Worship Services

Contemporary Worship

We have two services available on Sunday mornings at Reynolds. The first is a contemporary worship service at 9:00 am. This service is held in the Fellowship Hall and the music is led by our worship team. 

Traditional Worship

The second service is a traditional worship service at 11:00 am. The service is held in the Sanctuary and the music is familiar hymns accompanied by a piano and led by our wonderful choir and music director.

What to Wear

You are welcome to come as you are to service. People wear a variety of clothing from more casual to dressier clothing. Our contemporary service at 9:00 am is typically more casual than our traditional service at 11:00 am. You are always welcome at Reynolds and we would love to have you join us for either service! Both services are available in-person and online.


Childcare is available for both worship services. There are two areas available for children. A nursery for newborn children up to age 2 and a toddler room for children ages 2 to 5. Children over the age of 5 are welcome to join their families for worship!


You are welcome to park anywhere. We do have handicapped spaces available close to the awning covered church entrance from the parking lot for anyone that needs them.


We encourage you to come into the building through the parking lot entrance under the awning. This is our primary entrance and folks will be available here to point you in the right direction.