
Rev. Scott Spence


Scott is an Ordained Elder in the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. Before arriving at Reynolds Memorial UMC, Scott served four years, as pastor, at Beech Grove UMC in Bristol, VA. During his tenure the church experienced growth in average worship attendance, finances, and facility improvements. Prior to this appointment, he served as pastor of North Keywood Circuit, which is a two-point charge, consisting of Blackwell Chapel UMC and Mahanaim UMC. During that time North Keywood experienced unprecedented growth in numbers, unity, and finances. This combination, along with a passion for cooperative ministry, allowed North Keywood to grow from a struggling part time appointment to a full-time appointment and vital congregations. The start of July, 2020, Scott was appointed pastor of Reynolds Memorial UMC. In addition, Scott serves with four other pastors in a new ministry model that consists of four additional churches in the Bristol, VA area. The model is called HUB, which is an acronym for Hope, Unity, and Blessings. Hope is where we start, unity is our goal, and blessings are what we achieve.
For more in-depth information about our HUB please click the link below for Pastor Scott's latest book about our on-going narrative.

Get to Know Our Bristol HUB Pastors!

At Reynolds Memorial, we work in cooperation with our sister churches, Hunt Memorial UMC, John Wesley UMC, Beech Grove UMC, and Trinity UMC to bring Hope, Unity, and Blessings to our HUB community. As part of this multi-church partnership, we get to hear from each of the pastors within our HUB as they rotate each week and provide for the people they serve a deep and diverse preaching perspective for our congregations each Sunday morning. You may see any one of them on Sunday morning. Get to know each of them better below

Click on an image to learn more about our HUB pastors.

Rachel Helton, Music Director

​Rachel Helton, mezzo-soprano and pianist, is a native of Canton Ohio. She is the owner and founder of the Bristol Academy of Music, providing lessons and classes to all ages! Rachel has performed with Asheville Lyric Opera, Wolf Trap Opera, Central City Opera, Indianapolis Opera, Undercroft Opera, and Indiana University Opera Theater. Rachel lives in Abingdon, VA with her husband, Gabe. She holds a Bachelor of Music and a Masters of Music in vocal performance from Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music.


Nursery care is available during both worship services. Tara and Emily give the children the opportunity to engage in times of crafts, Bible stories, and to experience the care of a church family that wants them to learn and know of God's great love!

Our volunteer Secretaries are:


Barbara Hicks

Office Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 noon


Jenny Hustad


Robbie Hicks

Office hours: Tuesday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon